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New Moon Reading-Black Tourmaline

New Moon in Libra 10.06.2021

If you chose Black Tourmaline, your spirit is pushing you to break bad habits. Black Tourmaline also gives one the strength to think logically and focus on priorities. It shields you of unhealthy distractions and gives you mental agility.

Here is your New Moon Reading

Overall I can see you are exhausted. You've been worrying about so many things and you're stuck in cyclical thinking. At this point, you want relief and proper rest.

Queen of Swords
You might be thinking of someone who seems so far from you right now; either physically or emotionally. You feel like you've lost something, and it's almost like a mourning period for you. Just know that you have the ability to handle yourself with kindness and grace. The Queen of Swords is experienced and she carries wisdom with her, especially when it comes to communication. You may find that you have been very good with your words lately. You understand the weight that they hold, and you've started using this information wisely. You've been communicating how you feel effectively, and if not, you are well on your way. Learn, that often people use words that hide their true emotions, or that they may not know the value of their words. You understand pain and heartbreak well. Now you have to apply it to how you navigate life. Start exercising your ability to empathize, and you will understand the heaviness that you feel.

IV of Swords
This is the rest after a long battle. You've been fighting against something and it's been exhausting, you can finally experience this beautiful sleep. The illustration on this card shows a knight's effigy, and he is surrounded by his swords after a battle. This is relaxation coming your way after a long journey of anxiety and suffering. Recognize that this also means change. But changes that are for the better. You've been having obsessive thoughts that have been cycling over and over. If it's not one, then it's the other. Some relief is coming, trust in yourself and the energy around you to bring you this blessing. Take this time to recover and recuperate. Rest! Rest! Rest!

III of Swords
You want so badly to roam freely, but it's hard to move right now. This card shows three swords plunged into a heart. Swords represent either destruction or construction. They can also represent logic and forms of communication. That's what these swords in your heart mean. You have decisions to make and you will feel constricted by them until you finally choose what to do. Some form of change is pending upon your choice. But one thing is for sure, once you remove those swords, you can finally heal those wounds. Until then, the pain will persist. It's difficult to understand your emotions at this time, because of the wounds on your heart. This is where logic comes in. Use it to find a path, and finally relieve yourself of this pain.

IV of Cups
You may be feeling dissatisfied and shut down. This card shows a man under a tree, with three cups laid out in front of him. Cups represent emotion, feelings and the subconscious mind. You are overwhelmed by all these emotions coming your way; either from yourself or others. So much so, that you have shut yourself down from giving them any attention. There's a fourth cup that's being offered. This is your way out of the slumps. It's a fresh drink, with a fresh view; and it's being offered to you under this beautiful tree. Trees represent the need for balance between good and evil (the Tree of Life). This card is influenced by the energy of Cancer. Cancer is a sign that can be emotionally generous and nurturing, but at some point, the gas runs out. This is what's happening now. There are others in your life that are used to your generosity, so much so, that you now feel drained. Recharge your battery, even if people are reaching out for your help. You can only help others, if you help yourself first.

Knight of Swords
The Knight of Swords is a fierce warrior. There is no stopping him when he gets an idea. He will almost stop at nothing to explore the depths of this journey he's chosen to go on. Could this be you? This card encourages you to explore, be fearless and enthusiastic. But before you go too deep into this new quest, make sure to set some boundaries for yourself. There has to be a balance. Be sure that you are not blinded by the adventure. Maintain your integrity, and don't lose focus on why you're doing this in the first place. Be responsible. There are some actions that can't be undone, and you don't want to find yourself in a situation that has led to destruction. If your new venture deals with other people, be aware of the other person/people's mind. Be smart and use knowledge you've picked up along the way to learn how to anticipate others' moves.

Justice is all about compromising to find harmony, and you're definitely in need of harmony. Ruled by Libra, influenced by Venus, it's time to find balance in your life; especially your home. Venus is all about beautiful aesthetics. Get rid of the things in your home that you dislike seeing everyday. Stop holding off. This is the time to make those beautiful changes that will bring you peace. You will find that your energy feels so much lighter once you purge. Eliminate relationships where you don't feel balanced. Feel your energy when you're with certain people; does it feel under attack? If so, then you need to remove or lessen interaction with this person/people. Celebrate the relationships that do offer you peace, where you don't have to choose who to be, because you can just be you.

I hope this brought clarity for your New Moon. Take some time to set intentions during this time. It's a great time for new ventures and focusing on the things that matter to you. Read this next line out loud, "I will focus on the things that matter to ME."

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