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Shadow Work Prompts for New Moon in Scorpio

This New Moon in Scorpio will force powerful inner transformations. The best way to approach this New Moon in Scorpio is by diving into some powerful Shadow Work. Below are several categories from which to choose from to help you get started on your inner
Shadow Work.

1. How do you feel about giving up the unhelpful aspects of perfectionism?
2. What is your perfectionism protecting you from?
3. Name some things that you leave unfinished or imperfect. Why?
4. Is your self-talk helpful, or hurting you?
5. If you could go back in time, what would you say to your younger self when you felt scared, worried or inadequate?
6. What have you given up because of your perfectionism?

1. What do you think are the worst character traits a person can have? Name a time you, yourself have demonstrated these traits.
2. Who has the most influence over you? Is it healthy?
3. What misconceptions do people have about you? How does that make you feel?
4. What memories bring you shame? Who were you then, and how have you changed?
5. Who regularly (or last) belittles your emotions? How does that make you feel? What would you honestly like to express to them about this?
6. How would you like to be remembered? What traits would you least wish to be described as having?

General Shadow Work Prompts
1. What are current and recurring problems in your life? How can you start to view these problems as opportunities?
2. What was one time you were wronged as a child? What was your reaction? Recall a time you reacted like this as an adult.
3. When was the last time you witnessed distinctly self-destructive behavior, either in yourself or in someone else? Describe it and the emotions you had at the time.

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